How 3D Printing Increases Manufacturing Efficiency
In recent years, the manufacturing industry has struggled to avoid wasting raw materials, time and money. However, as 3D printing Surrey and Thames Valley specialists, we have seen how 3D printing has helped to increase manufacturing efficiency within manufacturing processes. In this article, we will explore how additive manufacturing achieves this.
Roadblocks in Manufacturing
One issue faced by manufacturers is time-consuming tool production. In recent years, manufacturing has used machining technology which can be very time-consuming. Even small items can often require several professionals on hand.
Additionally, manufacturers often face troublesome roadblocks with prototyping. New products will repeatedly need several prototypes to be manufactured. This is interspersed with corrections and modifications and adjusting to meet requirements. For this reason, it can be challenging to prepare a few proposed versions of a new product in order to choose the best for consumers.
How Can 3D Printing Help
3D printing can bring a range of tangible benefits for manufacturers. Additive manufacturing is much faster than more traditional manufacturing processes. Furthermore, you can develop printed prototypes that can be handed to employees in charge of manufacturing processes. Doing so allows them the opportunity to physically test machines and tools. You can even test design processes prior to final production.
Thus, 3D printing can reduce the implementation time by several weeks. You can also eliminate inconsistent processes in the early stages of a project allowing for even more savings.
Increasing Manufacturing Capability
3D printing can allow you to build not just single items but entire tools. This may include; rollers, feeders, connectors and moulds.
Due to varying environments in which items are exposed, it is important to pick the right materials and parameters. For instance, items that work in high temperatures may be made of PEEK filament material. Filaments such as this are resistant to high temperatures. A benefit of 3D printing is that there is a wide range of different materials that can be used, all with unique properties and benefits.
As 3D printing Surrey and Thames Valley specialists, we are confident that additive manufacturing can help increase manufacturing efficiency. From rapid prototyping to the ability to create tools, there are a range of ways that your business can benefit from this technology.
Contact Us - 3D Printing Surrey
As 3D printing Surrey and Thames Valley specialists, we are passionate about turning ideas into a reality. So if you need to solve a problem or bring a new idea to life, get in touch with our team today and we’ll identify how 3D printing can help. We look forward to hearing from you!